French-language Higurashi fans may want to check out Tout d'Asie, which has copies of Version française du jeu higurashi no naku koro ni, renommé Le sanglot des cigales. This release contains Onikakushi, Watanagashi, and two mini-games, and comes on CD-ROM.
The game runs on PONScripter, which Uncle Mion maintains over at her ONScripter Corner. Speaking of which, there should be a more general PONScripter-based release of the Higurashi demo sometime in the near future (once Uncle gets it whipped into shape).
Joyeux Noël guys!
Update (March 22 2010):
We've added a link to the French version's official website, Le sanglot de cigales.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Higurashi en français
Monday, December 7, 2009
MangaGamer announces release date for 'Higurashi: When They Cry'
Howdy folks, just saw this news today from MangaGamer:
“The release date for the upcoming game, "Higurashi when they cry" has been decided to December 15, 2009. This release will be the first 4 chapters of the original smash hit game made by 07th Expansion and will be sold for 36.95 Euros.”You can read more about the release, as well as about a contest [note: contest over as of Dec.15] to win a copy of the game, in this article at Anime News Network.
Just so you know, we're still working on our patches of Higurashi, but we'll be waiting until next year to do a release of further material out of professional courtesy.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sad news from 07th Expansion...
On October 22, Ryuukishi07 announced in his diary that BT, 07th Expansion's webmaster, debugger, and chief communicator (as well as one of the founding members of the circle), passed away this summer:
(translation courtesy of chronotrig from Witch Hunt)It's difficult to find the words to describe how we feel about this...
Today, I have some very sad news to report.
On July 10 of this year.
BT passed away due to an illness.
I decided to wait for the character poll, made possible by all of those volunteers, to finish before making this announcement.
After all, it was an event which BT poured all of his heart and soul into.
Now that it has passed smoothly, I feel that it's right time to make this announcement, and I sincerely apologize for not explaining his long absence previously...
He was not only my very best friend, but also my very first reader.
I wrote both Higurashi and Umineko because I wanted to surprise him.
During the several months that passed since that day.
I forgot the joy of writing.
However, I know better than anyone else that if I stop writing because of him, he would be the most sad.
So I must write.
But he will no longer read it.
I think I'll use today as a chance to set my heart back to square one.
No, perhaps it's just the same as always.
I think I'll start writing again for him to read.
BT left behind more than his heart and feelings.
The debug system he frequently remodeled is now an essential part of the way we complete these complicated productions in such a short period of time.
We'll use that system in the upcoming crunch, we'll probably keep on using it forever.
I plan to continue working on these along with him forever.
To all of you who socialized with BT at special events, thank you very much.
He truly treasured all the unique gifts given to him, and he always had them arranged by his side.
Also, he said that he enjoyed socializing with you more than anything else, and he would always participate in doujin events no matter how busy he was.
I am deeply grateful to all of our fans.
Thank you very much.
BT, thanks so much.
If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be who I am today.
So, if I stop writing, it will be as though I never met you...
So, I'll grit my teeth and write.
As I remember what you taught me.・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・
BT was the one who replied to our emails earlier this year about our patch, and was very kind and supportive. He was also very excited to hear that there was interest in translation of Higurashi into other languages, so we were looking forward to sharing with him the news of Mion's release of PONScripter that would allow these other-language projects to go forward.
Witch Hunt has started a thread at AnimeSuki as a central place for people to express their feelings and best wishes for the group. We will also be emailing 07th Expansion with our condolences.
Mion & Shion
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Uncle Mion's new ONScripter site
A number of you may have noticed that I (Mion) have been doing a lot of ONScripter fixes, both for Higurashi and Umineko.
As I've more or less taken over maintenance of ONScripter-EN from the previous maintainer, I finally put together a new site and subversion repository for the code.
So from now on, if you want the latest and greatest ONScripter releases, come on down to Uncle Mion's ONScripter Corner for all your ONScripter needs! We've got builds for Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux, all ready for you to put into play! If you're the tinkering sort, you can even grab the source code and do your very own build!
(Just so you know, Acquiring our releases has been updated with this new download information and instructions for installing new builds.)
See you there, and tell 'em Uncle sent ya!
"Uncle" Mion
Friday, August 21, 2009
Installing the game
Hello all,
This is a long-overdue post for explaining how to install the Higurashi games after getting them, since it can take some extra effort to install Japanese games on a non-Japanese PC.
Higurashi Demo
Luckily for those of you who just want to try the game, the Higurashi demo doesn't require you to have Windows Japanese language support in order to install it! If you downloaded our patched demo from Acquiring our releases, then just unpack the "" file into a convenient empty directory and it's ready to go. This would also be the best method for Mac and Linux users, but be sure to get the correct version of the ONScripter game engine as well.
If you downloaded the original Japanese demo, then you'll need to run "higurashi.exe" in Windows in order to install the game - Mac and Linux users would probably prefer using the patched zip file over booting Windows just to run the installer. However, if you don't have Japanese fonts installed on your system, most of the installer dialog text will be unreadable:Don't worry, though - just type the full path of where you want to install the game into the text field, or else click the "??(B)" button to bring up a folder browser. Once you're done with that, click the "OK(O)" button, and it'll create a folder called "higurashi" under the path you selected. You can now go to that "higurashi" folder and follow our directions for installing the demo patch. Note that you don't need to install Japanese fonts to play our English demo patch, but you will need the fonts if you want to play the original demo in Japanese.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Himatsubushi) Download
If you purchased a download of the full Higurashi game using our instructions for getting the game, then all you need to do is unpack the enormous zip file and then follow the instructions for applying our full-game patch. If the top-level directory name looks like gibberish, then be sure to change it to "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" or something similar. Note that some of the files within may have gibberish in their names, but they are just the Japanese game executable and assorted readme files - nothing you'll need to play the patched game. (These instructions apply equally to Windows, Mac and Linux systems.)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Himatsubushi) CD game
Unfortunately, Windows users will need to install Japanese language support in order to run the Higurashi CD installer. (If you don't have Windows and/or can't change Windows system settings, follow the instructions further below for installing the game manually.)
Adding Japanese language support
Here are the directions for Windows XP (not sure how different they'd be for Vista):
- Go to the Start Menu and open the Control Panel, then bring up the Regional and Language Settings dialog.
Now click the Languages tab:
In the "Supplemental language support" section, checkmark the box next to "Install files for East Asian languages", and then click the Apply button at the bottom.
(You'll likely be prompted to insert the Windows installation CD, after which it will install Asian fonts and such.) - You're not quite done yet, though - to install the Higurashi CD correctly, you need to set the language for non-Unicode programs to Japanese. Click the Advanced tab:
In the section "Language for non-Unicode programs" choose "Japanese" from the drop-down box, and then click the OK button to make changes. Note that you will need to restart your computer before you can do the Higurashi install.
Setting non-Unicode programs to use Japanese will cause some of your programs to behave differently. You don't need this setting to actually run Higurashi, so after finishing the install (as directed below) you're welcome to change the "Language for non-Unicode programs" back to its original setting.
Running the CD installer
- Pop the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni CD into your CD drive to start the installer. (If you have Autorun disabled, go to your CD drive and run "installer.exe".) You should see this dialog box:
Click the インストール button to begin installation.
- A dialog box pops up, providing some information and prompting you to choose an installation location:
Click the 参照 button to pick an installation path other than "C:\Program Files\07th_Expansion\". (It will create a "higurasi4" folder, so you don't need to specify that at this point.) Click the big インストール開始 button on the lower right to start the actual installation.
- The installer may pop up a Yes/No dialog box at that point:
If so, it's just asking if it should create the installation directory ("C:\Program Files\07th_Expansion\higurasi4\" in this case). Click Yes to continue.
- The installer will then proceed to copy a bunch of files from the CD to that directory. Once that's done, it will show a Yes/No dialog asking if it should install DirectX - click No if you already have DirectX 8.0 or higher, Yes otherwise.
- You can now click the 実行 button on the main installer screen to start the game (in Japanese), or else close the Higurashi installer, go to the installation directory, and install our full-game (Himatsubushi) patch.
If you're not able to run the CD installer or change your Windows language settings, here's how you do a manual install:
- Create a folder called "higurashi4".
- Go to the top folder of the Higurashi CD, go into the "fullsrc" folder, and then copy and paste all those files into your "higurashi4" folder.
- Copy the "WAV" folder from the CD to your "higurashi4" folder, then copy the "se" folder from the CD to your new "higurashi4\WAV" folder. (If you don't see the "WAV" or "se" folders on the CD, please note that on Windows systems the "WAV" and "se" folders are hidden: you'll need to change Windows Explorer's "Folder Options | View" Advanced settings to "Show hidden files and folders".)
- Go to your "higurashi4" folder and install our full-game (Himatsubushi) patch.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Welcome Back!
Hi everyone, Mion here!
Sorry it's been a while. After a long month of thinking and discussing we can finally tell you guys what's been going on.
First of all, we want you to know that I did get an offer from MangaGamer to work on their Higurashi release as a proofreader (Shion works full-time so she couldn't join in), which I was considering seriously.
However, I ultimately realized that I work too slowly to give the project the attention it deserves within the required time limit. I've had fun editing for our project and enjoy doing good work, but quite frankly, I'm not a professional writer. That's why I decided to just keep working on our own project, even if we'd be the only ones who'd get to enjoy it.
---But wait, there's more! See, while I was still discussing the job offer with MangaGamer and thinking about my decision, they investigated and confirmed what we'd been told earlier this year:
07th Expansion does indeed allow fan translation patches, similar to how they allow regular derivative works, even if MangaGamer is licensed to provide the complete game as an English version.
As a result, MangaGamer apologized and said we could go ahead and continue with our translation patches!
Now, we don't harbor any anger towards MangaGamer for asking us to take down our patches earlier this month, because normally such a license would be exclusive. Heck, we certainly assumed that it was. This is a very unique situation, and dealing with it has surely caused MG no end of headaches, but they were cool to offer a place on their team, and were great about letting us know the recent news and respecting our decision to continue as Sonozaki Futago-tachi.
And so, we appreciate the support all of you have offered us during this past crazy month, and are happy to say that there's no longer any need to petition either MangaGamer or 07th Expansion about the situation.
To be honest, we prefer the situation like this, because now we don't have to bear the full responsibility for providing Higurashi in English, and can take allll the time we want for our project ^^. But we will continue it, so those of you who already bought the original games will be able to play them in English, in good time.
And if you don't want to wait, MangaGamer has a good-sized team getting the games ready for October and December, with a true Higurashi expert on hand to help make sure the translation preserves the important details. We've even provided a link to MangaGamer's website (just beware that it's for ages 18+).
For now, I plan to work on the Unicode-enabled version of ONScripter and make a Unicode version of the demo script for those groups who want to try their hand at translating Onikakushi into their own particular languages - if you're interested, please email us at sonozaki{dot}futagotachi (at some site called) gmail{dot}com (take that spambots! ;P )
We'll also get back to plugging away at Watanagashi, which we plan to release once that arc is completely translated - probably sometime early next year.
So to put it simply, MangaGamer will be releasing an English version of the game, but we can still continue to make and release translation patches! Pretty nifty, huh?
We'll have the patch downloads back up in a jiffy, but in the meantime I'll leave you with the immortal words of Bill and Ted:
Be Excellent to Each Other, and Party on Dude!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Don't bug Ryuukishi07
Hi folks,
Nothing new to report, but based on some of the comments made about our extremely important news post, we're worried that some of you intend to contact Ryuukishi07 and 07th Expansion about the matter.
Not only are they uncomfortable with English, they are very very busy getting Umineko Ep 5 ready to release at Comiket in mid-August. These are not people you should be petitioning. Got it?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Extremely important news
Update Note (August 2 2009):
...Turns out we don't need to remove our translation patches after all, but since we still support MangaGamer's efforts to produce their official localizations of Higurashi, I'll just leave the post image as it is.
MionWell folks, we've heard back from MangaGamer, and it looks like we have to take down our translation patches:
Since the copy right holder has decided to license us the version for PC,
your activity is no longer permitted.
However, we're still discussing cooperating with them on the official English release. We'll see how that plays out, since it would be great for everyone involved if Higurashi has a good quality localization.We're be taking down our patch links, but not this site, so we can still blog about Japanese foods and such ^^;
Thank you for your past support, and please watch over us for the future.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Watanagashi Day 1 release!
As promised, we have our first Watanagashi release ready during this Watanagashi month of June... but unfortunately we could only get the first chapter ready in time. It's a fun one though, and includes Chapter NOTES that you can access at the TIPS chapter afterward.
It's been good to have a deadline to get back into the flow of editing together, so we expect to have the next couple chapters ready fairly soon - and I for one am looking forward to all of you enjoying them, since there's quite a lot of fun stuff that the anime left out.
As usual, go to our Acquiring our Releases page to download the Watanagashi Day 1 patch, which is available only for the full Himatsubushi game. Please let us know if you have any difficulties with playing this patch.
P.S. - Mac OS X users should grab the latest version of ONScripter from our download folders, since it has a number of improvements and bugfixes; Linux users would do well to update their builds as well - Mion
Bug report (June 29): some users have reported a problem with images not displaying properly with this latest patch - more information and a fix are available at our Acquiring our Releases page.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June Release
Howdy folks,
I've been finishing up helping out Witch Hunt with the imminent Umineko Ep 4 release and getting back to editing Higurashi.
It was good for Shion to translate a number of days ahead, in light of getting parts of the story to match up properly (those of you who've seen the anime or manga will know what I mean), but I know you'd like to see a release before much longer.
So then: I think we can safely say that, this month of June 2009, we will have our first release of Watanagashi! The one thing we can't be entirely sure of is the number of days (chapters) that release will contain, but I can guarantee that they will be fun.
We likely won't release right on Watanagashi Day, however fitting that would be (it's June 21 - Father's Day, as it so happens), so that we'll have time to get more material into the release.
Anyways, back to editing, and see ya later!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Golden Week!
Hi everyone,
Just a quick note before Mion and I go to visit our parents in Okinomiya for Golden Week ^^.
We've just added a new feature under Acquiring our Releases: we're hosting a copy of the demo as a zipped folder that already includes our patch, for those who use Mac or Linux or are having trouble installing the program.
Meanwhile, we've made progress on the project. I've finished a rough translation of days 1-6, which corresponds to the first episode of the anime Watanagashi arc - they left a LOT out for the adaptation. That brings the story to a good resolution point, and I think it's worked well to translate a larger chunk to make sure that I understand where the earlier events are headed and get the important details straight. So far I've checked and fixed the translation for days 1-3, which we're considering covering for our first Watanagashi release, and am working on checking and fixing day 4 right now. Mion has been very busy with school-related stuff this past semester, as well as more onscripter fixes for the Umineko folks, but she'll be graduating with her masters this next month (yay!) and is raring to edit for the release! So our first Watanagashi release should be coming up "soon" - I'm declining to say just how soon because we don't want to make any promises we can't keep, but please be assured that the project is moving forward.
Also, thank you very much for the many kind messages! We do read and appreciate them all, but prefer to restrict our responses to cases where people need help (or else the comment boards will be really long), so please don't take lack of response as a rejection. The same goes for questions about our releases - we know you're looking forward to reading more, and we're looking forward to sharing more with you all, but again, we want to avoid making 'promises we can't keep', especially because we both have a lot going on in our lives as far as work and career goes - Mion in particular needs to find work now that she's finished with school, but she'll enjoy editing in the meantime.
Anyway, enjoy the nice spring weather, and look forward to summer vacation!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Important News
We'd first like to thank all of you for your interest and support for our project. It's been fun working on it for the past year and few months.
However, we recently heard back from 07th Expansion regarding our translation of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. We regret that we need to shut down the project.
We hope you enjoyed reading our Onikakushi adaptation, but I'm afraid this is goodbye. ;_;
Just kidding ^^. Sorry, the timing was too perfect to resist.
Update: the Acquiring our releases post has been updated with links to the new version1.1 of Onikakushi. Sorry about the wait.
Actually, we did get an email reply from BT of 07th-Expansion, which said that he's impressed and grateful that we're translating the Higurashi PC games into English and allowing them to be enjoyed by a wider audience, similar to the message that Witch Hunt got. So we basically have their approval to continue this project, and we're happy to be able to do so.
However, it turns out that we didn't really need their permission or official recognition to do this project. We found out from chronotrig, at the Witch Hunt Umineko translation project, that they actually consider translation groups like ours to be doing 'derivative works' (二次創作). They address groups who do such works at the top of the FAQ (よくある質問) page at the 07th-Expansion website. I suggest you check the original Japanese more carefully for the details, but in short Ryuukishi07 is allowing anyone to make derivative works based on his characters and story setting, within reason (he references an infamous Pokemon doujishi as an example of going too far). So long as you "do it with love" and take responsibility for what you produce as ultimately YOUR product and not theirs, they don't mind. Frankly, they've given a very generous gift to the rest of the doujinshi and fan-works community.
This goes beyond the usual idea of 'fanfiction' or 'fan-made manga' to also include use of the text and command script that he wrote, the character art that he drew, and the backgrounds that they devised - basically the parts that he owns the copyright on. This means that people can even make their own scenarios to use within the Higurashi game framework, like the outtakes we added ^^. Ryuukishi07 explains this in the second of these two forum posts here.
He also explains that this does NOT include the sound effects and music used in the games, which he used either by licensing or by permission of the owner/composer. He's not the copyright holder, so it's not his place to allow other people to use those. This is why we're particularly glad that our releases consist of small patches that contain only the translated script and a few translated images, which can be applied to the original game.
Please also note that all this only applies to the original PC games that Ryuukishi07 & 07th-Expansion have released themselves; the PS2 and DS games were released by Alchemist, and the images, music and voice effects used for those belong to Alchemist, not Ryuukishi07. That's why we are only releasing patches for the PC games, and not for the PS2 or DS games - I might consider making a 'PC version' of one of the extra arcs (like Miotsukushi-hen?) that only uses characters and locations that can be found in the original games, but that wouldn't be until after finishing the original PC games, and that's going to take a long time.
Anyway, if you want to translate Higurashi into your own language and make your own patch, go right ahead! You don't need to ask them for permission, though they might enjoy hearing from you about it if you're translating into a more obscure language - BT seemed pretty amazed at the possibility of it getting translated into Turkish ^^. However, they're very busy making the Umineko games right now, and their hands-off policy towards derivative works includes not getting involved with those works themselves, so you really shouldn't bother them with lots of questions about the game or requests for approval of changes you make. There are many sites maintained by detail-obsessive Higurashi fans that can answer questions you may have about the story, and it's ultimately up to you to decide if a change is worth making. If you want, feel free to use our translation as a guide to figuring out your own translation - we'll even send you the text file of the script if you ask for it.
One difficulty for most of you interested in translating to another language is that the game engine we use, Onscripter, doesn't work well with characters beyond the normal Roman or Japanese set - it can do ugly full-width versions of Russian characters, but no Latin characters with diacritics, for example. Mion is helping out with a version of the game engine that, when ready, will be useful for making your non-English game translations. Meanwhile, happy translating!
We have new links to the corrected versions of our Onikakushi patches, both full-game and demo. We made a new version of the demo credit scroll, since BT was able to answer some questions we had about the staff names. As for the script, one Japanese reader noted a few places that we'd made mistakes in things such as rendering a Japanese name. We fixed those, as well as the other grammar errors that observant readers pointed out for us [Thanks Nick!]. Nothing major was changed, and definitely nothing important for the plot, so you don't have to reread the story with the new patch unless you really want to ^^.
It's been busy for both of us recently, but we have made progress on Watanagashi and hope to make somewhat more rapid progress once things have settled down. We'll provide more details once we're closer to the testing stage.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Starting Watanagashi; thoughts on DS game
Hi all,
We hope you're enjoying Onikakushi! I've done a rough translation of the first few days of the next arc, Watanagashi, but there's still plenty left to the story, since it's even longer than Onikakushi. Not to mention the cleanup and adaptation so it makes sense and doesn't look like something run through Babelfish. Since we're planning to do just 2 or 3 total releases for the game, instead of one for each chapter, it'll be a while until the next release, but we'll keep you guys posted on how it's coming.

I discovered that quite a few lines were changed from the original PC game for Alchemist's DS release (and PS2 release too, apparently). And I'm not talking about the alternative outcomes - I mean the exact same scene, just different lines. The first instance happens pretty early, when you first meet Mion. In the PC game, she talks about how Keiichi's even growing a beard... but she's not looking at his face, and it's followed by some crude banter that leads to him 'almost' opening his zipper. In the DS & PS2 game, she says she saw Keiichi buy a razor, and asserts that she knows everything, from what he had for breakfast to Rena's measurements. It's also funny banter, but definitely toned down. The same went for other instances of semi-crude humor in the PC game. They also cut the more blatant cultural references, one of which cracked me up in Watanagashi but comes off a bit, well, lamer in the DS game (you'll recognize it when you get to see it I'm sure.) But I can understand it as a requirement when doing a commercial game release instead of an independent doujinshi production.
Another thing I noticed was that, although it's interesting how they managed to fit the different scenes from the three games into different paths of the same timeline, this often results in you finding things out in a different order than in the original games, which I think lessens their impact somewhat. Still, when you already know the story, it's fun to try this version and see the different permutations. I'm not planning to get any more of the DS games, since all the other arcs apparently just run as straight read-throughs, and we've got our hands full with translating the PC material so I'm not really interested in the extra arcs yet either.

I ordered this from, which has free shipping to the USA for orders of more than $39, so this game qualified by itself. I've also been inspired to order the drama CD's for Onikakushi and Watanagashi from there as well, since they have the same voice actors as the anime and games, and I'm curious to see whether the CDs stick closer to the original script *heh*.
Anyway, time to help resolve a tense stand-off with a biker gang. Later!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Onikakushi finished!
Thank you for your patience! At last, we have Onikakushi finished and ready for your perusal, in both full-version and demo form! We've added translation notes as promised: you can read them in the included text file, from the TIPS screen after each chapter, and from the Omake menu after you finish the game! We hope you also enjoy the other English bonus feature that we added ;).
Please go to Acquiring our releases to download our patch. As always, please let us know if you encounter any problems.
Shion (Sonozaki Futago-tachi)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Onikakushi almost finished
Happy New Year!
We know it's been taking a long time for this final installment, but we hope you can be patient just a little longer. We've finished translating and adapting through to the end of day 15 and the extras that come after it, so the final release of Onikakushi is almost ready!
However, we went back to check the story from the beginning, and are currently fixing a lot of awkward sentences (and a few small translation errors ^^;;) in the first few chapters - we've learned quite a bit since we started this translation.
So, if you've just recently started playing the game, or haven't started yet, we suggest you wait another couple weeks for the complete and polished version of our patch. Mion is also adding some code to allow you to read our translation notes within the game, much like you can read the TIPS at the end of each chapter, and we hope you find this more handy than including just a text file with the patch.
Once we're done with this final check, I'll be returning to my translation of the next story arc, Watanagashi. It's going to take a while before we release that one though: first, because it's somewhat longer than Onikakushi, and second because we're planning to release it in fewer installments. It was helpful to get more regular feedback while translating Onikakushi, but this time around I'd like to go further through the story and make sure we keep things consistent, as well as check over a lot more, before releasing anything - that way we won't have to go back and fix stuff as much as we're doing now. I'm hoping that the experience we've gained so far will help us be a little more efficient with the process too.
Until the final release date!
Shion (Sonozaki Futago-tachi)